Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Numero Uno: Case In Point

And it starts all over again. Here I am creating a masterpiece of a description for this wonderful new blog site and I am met with a condition: The blog description can only be a max of 500 characters. But what if my thoughts exceed 500 characters? The creators of this site didn't think of that one huh? Where are the exceptions? Any place I can appeal to to increase the number of characters? Nope. So what I had to do is cut my description down and tailor it so that it all fits but now it doesn't sound nearly as awesome as it did when I first pieced it together in my head so what is a gal to do? Re post it the way I originally intended it to be as my first entry. Doesn't have nearly the same affect but it's the best I can do considering the circumstances. I am learning that as much as we would like it to be otherwise we just have to do the best that we can given the "circumstances" of life. Whatever your "circumstances" may be. But how apropos of life, we always want an exception to be made for us, certainly we can fight whatever "rule" presents itself because our anatomy won't allow for bending and conforming to stipulations or rules. Rules are made around us, not the other way around. Right? Wrong... here I am re posting my blog description the way I wanted to but couldn't due to character restraints (case in point)....the uncut version:

Recently I discovered that my name means "lovely tune".
Unfortunately, a discovery I've made prior to this is that life more often than
not is any thing but a lovely tune. Full of dis-cord, off notes, and disharmony,
we amble through life trying to some how, some way make even the slightest bit
of order out of all the chaos. We discover that things almost never go as
planned and we're left to desperately attempt to appreciate whatever musical
scores fill the backdrop of our lives. I can't help but wonder if my
name's meaning some how obliges me to make something lovely and harmonious out
of what is otherwise a cacophony. You'll listen to my day to day
attempts-- I'll be successful some days, others not so much.

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